

Solutions with the right mix of software, managed IT infrastructure, and advice can make life so much easier for any business involved in the electricity market. Here we’ve summarised some of the ways we can help you realise your ambitions and benefit from our unrivalled experience.

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Get involved in the BM

Become a Virtual Party

Deliver Response and Reserve

Operate Batteries

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Get involved in the BM

Participation in the Balancing Mechanism (BM) enables you to capture value from the flexibility you can offer to NESO by providing valuable balancing services to the GB electricity market.

To participate in the BM you need to go through a formal registration process with NESO and establish systems to enable you to bid (EDT) and process instructions (EDL). The specification of these systems will vary depending on the scale of your portfolio and the types of assets you are operating.

We provide EDT and EDL software and IT infrastructure to more than half of the businesses currently participating in the BM, guiding many of them through the market entry process. Our customers are active in all asset classes with portfolios totalling over 60GW of capacity. Our unrivalled project experience in the provision of BM systems means you’re in safe hands.

Want to find out more?

We would love to tell you more about what we can do for you and your business.
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