

Solutions with the right mix of software, managed IT infrastructure, and advice can make life so much easier for any business involved in the electricity market. Here we’ve summarised some of the ways we can help you realise your ambitions and benefit from our unrivalled experience.

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Availability Forecasting and REMIT reporting

An accurate, dynamic availability forecast is fundamental to determining the volumes you can trade over different time horizons. It also provides a foundation for market transparency reporting required under REMIT.

The tools you need to forecast availability vary according to the assets you operate. Our SOLV Software Suite offers a range of options aligned to conventional (CCGT), renewable and battery storage assets. SOLV THOR disclosure software meets all your needs to ensure REMIT compliance, regardless of the type of assets you operate.

Our Sentinel and SOLV Software Suites work seamlessly together, enabling you to streamline and automate key processes, including the treatment of availability forecasts for MEL/MIL submissions and automated REMIT disclosures based on configurable rules. Together these functions help to optimise trading performance and mitigate transparency reporting risk.

What's Included



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